Contact Us

You are important to us and we are continuously improving to serve you better . If you have any enquiries about our products and services , please let us know so that we can assist you .

We also value any feedback that you may have about this website or any experience with us or ways that we can improve our service to you .

We will be pleased to assist you through any one of the following channels :

  1. Click on Enquiries and complete the online form to email us your enquiries .

  2. Email us at

  3. Add us at Skype : Nutswire

  4. Singapore +65 6891 3275

  5. USA +1(331)999-0263


The is Singapore Registered Company (53363156D)     

At we strive to address your concern immediately . Upon receipt of your feedback/complaint , we will acknowledge receipt within 3 business day and conduct a thorough review to resolve your concerns . In stances whereby further investigations are required due to complexity of the issue , we will keep you updated on the progress and strive to resolve your concerns within 15 business days .